- Complaints that came hourly. 不断涌来的投诉
- How exactly did that come to pass? 那是怎么发生的?
- I liked the soup and the dessert and all that came betwixt and between. 我喜欢(开头喝的)汤和(最后送上来的)甜菜食以及席间所上的各种菜肴。
- He frowned at the letter of complaint that he had just received. 他对刚收到的意见信发愁。
- He is the very man that came yesterday. 他正是昨天来的那个人。
- The key grip has a complaint that could hold up production. 制片主任一抱怨,就会使摄制工作陷入瘫痪。
- The next shark that came was a single shovelnose. 接着来的鲨鱼是条单独的铲鼻鲨。
- Zoe's complaint that she had to wear last year's mink really choked us up. 佐伊抱怨说她穷得不得不穿去年的貂皮大衣,真令我们深感同情。
- She used to read anything that came to her hand. 她以前一向是抓到什么书就看什么书。
- The old tiger had heard of the complaints that had been sent to the king. 这只老虎已经听到了他给国王的呈诉。
- Every student that comes here should report to me. 每一个到这里来的学生都应向我报告。
- Here is the man that came to see you. 这就是来看你的那个人。
- The move follows complaints that degrees are poor guide to workplace abilities. 这项举措是在许多人抱怨学位并不能很好反映实际工作能力之后才进行的。
- Have you got the issue that came out recently? 你们有最近出的那一期吗?
- Laziness lies at the root of George's complaint that his lessons are too long. 乔治抱怨功课太多,实际应归咎于他懒惰。
- Where's the letter that came yesterday? 昨天来的信在哪儿?
- Management ignored our complaints that washing facilities were inadequate. 我们投诉卫生设备不足,管理部门不予理睬。
- It was clearly an offer that came from the heart. 那很明显是由衷的提议。
- Don't hesitate; seize the first opportunity that comes along! 别再犹豫了,一有机会就抓住它!
- She said the first thing that came into her head. 她想到了什么说什么。